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Startup List Results
Startup Entry

Name Filename Description Status
Patchpatch.exeAdded by the W32/NetBus TROJAN!X
Telechips,Masspatch.exeRemovable Disk Driver for the Muro MP3 playerU
O23 List Results
Windows Services

Name Filename Description Status
Autodesk Data Management Job DispatchConnectivity.WindowsService.JobDisp
Related to Autodesk_Data_Management Web Server. Note: Located in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Data Management Server 5\Server\Dispatch\L
ISS Buffer Overflow Exploit Prevention (VPatch)vpatch.exeRelated to BlackICE (Internet Security Systems) Note: Located in \%Program Files%\BlackIce\L
winconfig.exeSP2PATCH.EXEAdded by an unidentified TROJAN! of the Sdbot family. Note: This worm\trojan is located in C:\%WINDIR%\ folder.X
MlPatchMlPatch.exeRelated to Magic Control Technology Corp. MCT Custom Service. Note: Located in \%Windir%\%System%\L
Drivers List Results
Driver Entry

Name Filename Description Status
vaccinepc Update Serviceupdatepatch.exeKorean rogue hailing from and identified by Microsoft as "Rogue:Win32/Onescan"X
FF Extensions List Results
Firefox Extension

CLSID Name Filename Description Status
sw-patch--sonic-world-ru@jetpackSW patchsw-patch--sonic-world-ru@jetpack.xpiSW patch adds some extra functions in the website.L
Active Setup List Results
Active Setup - Installed Component

CLSID Name Filename Description Status
{0FAD3184-5012-4D27-5BBC-22850469D194}(no name)patch.exeInfostealer trojan, detected by Microsoft as Virtool:Win32/Vbinder.Ar - also see hereX
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