BHOs, Toolbars, SHs, Explorer Bars

This entry is classified as malware, spyware, adware, or other potentially unwanted software.

If the description states that it is malware, you should immediately run a trusted anti-virus and anti-spyware tool.

Item Details
Type: BHO
CLSID: {000001CA-F249-497c-818D-2845E5774E23}
Name: SmartBarPOR Class [SmartBar Module]
Filename: SmartBarPOUnder.dll
Location: %APPDATA%\PatchOnUnder
Description: Unidentified parasite of Korean origin - should you have any information about this application, such as its homepage or the site where it was downloaded or installed, its exact purpose and whether you did or did not install it wittingly, do email us - if you actually have a copy of the file, please attach it to your email for analysis. Thanks!

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